About Norsk

“Norwegian doesn’t stay in the classroom - it’s a mentor work”
Brooklynn Williams
What is norsk?

Hvor hver eneste trives

Our Goal
To help our U18s & U16s thrive with all that comes from Brunstad — BUK camps, conferences, activities and more! To create enthusiasm and fun around learning Norwegian
Each individual feels safe and respected
Each individual has freedom to be who they are
“No Correction Zone” with a focus on building self-esteem & self-confidence
Lessons are fun and enjoyable
Prioritize listening and speaking
Research-based learning with the 1000 most common NORSK words
Watch our competition explainer video here...
Win prizes and merch in a Competition that is part of both Lær Norsk and Snakk Norsk!
Earn points for your team by attending classes and learning
Learn more about the rules and prizes

Snakk Norsk

We want to speak and understand as quickly as we can!
  • Snakk Norsk focuses on understanding and speaking Norwegian as soon as possible.
  • The goal is to build confidence
  • Mentors (aka “language parents”) are invested in each individual’s progress & personal development as a whole
  • Mentors use a “No Correction Zone” to build confidence
  • Lessons are based off the 1000 most frequently used words in any language (which can make up over 60-80% of the spoken language)
  • Highly interactive learning with fun games and conversations
  • Ongoing competitions and highlight events both locally and regionally to keep the enthusiasm high


Lær Norsk

We love to learn Norwegian!
  • Lær Norsk focuses on providing exposure to Norwegian in a fun and engaging way
  • The goal is to build confidence
  • Mentors (aka “language parents”) are invested in each individual’s progress & personal development as a whole
  • Curriculum catered to the age group, which includes themes, challenges, and fun activities
  • Shared curriculum material with ready-to-launch packets
  • Ongoing competitions and highlight events both locally and regionally to keep the enthusiasm high
Mentor Checklist
Make Norsk a highlight of the week
Prepare and plan each week in advance
Meet weekly for 1 to 1.5 hrs
Use the opportunity to establish a heart connection and build friendships
Focus on comprehension. seif-esteem and building confidence
Work in small groups and pairs according to language skill level
Make lessons flow and keep it as fun as possible
Speak siowty in Norwegian with simple words to start
Transiate new and complex words as you speak it - sometimes the entire sentence
Track points for competitions
Set up weekly and monthly prizes
Don't forget to bring a snack!